Polaris-8 Ltd. is located in the western part of The Town of Silistra on the Danube, -the most important European road. The company has been established in 1996 as a successor of a company with 50 year history and traditions in the sphere of the river and dredging work. With the economic changes in Bulgaria today The Company is a financially stable private company working with modern market principles.
Geographically The Company is located 75 km from the channel of Cernavoda - Constanta, 200 km away from the big Ukrainian Port Reni.
The main activity of Polaris 8 Ltd. is extraction, processing, disposal of inert materials and ship transport on the Danube. The Company carries out also additional types of services such as port, agent activity, weighing machine services, etc..
The enterprise has a long tradition in the market niche that occupies and is a major market player in the sector nationwide, because it provides inert materials as to the whole north-eastern part of the country, as well as it makes significant supplies on the external markets, particularly Romania.
Namely the specific production powers, the facilities with modern high-tech equipment, the excellent product quality and the qualified, experienced and motivated staff enable The Company to enter into long-term contracts with major partners to serve rhythmically their orders and to achieve continuously increasing revenue. Therefore the permanent objectives of Polaris-8 Ltd. are maintaining the company image on the market in which it operates, maintaining the good quality of the production and the services, optimally satisfying the customer needs and environmental protection.